Craig Wilson

Acting Associate Dean, Research, Graduate Programs and Faculty Relations

Sutherland Scholar in International Business

306-966-8430 CV

25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Dr Craig Wilson received his PhD in Finance from the University of Alberta in 2004. He currently teaches Derivative Securities and Advanced Investment Theory, and he has formerly taught Theory of Finance, Advanced Capital Budgeting, Intermediate Corporate Finance, and Introduction to Finance.

Dr. Wilson’s current research interests are primarily in the areas of corporate finance and corporate governance. His research has been published in various academic journals and books, such as the Journal of International Financial Management, Institutions, and Money, Emerging Markets Review, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Business Ethics, Business History, the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, the International Review of Financial Analysis, Corporate Governance: An International Review, the International Review of Finance, the International Journal of Managerial Finance, the International Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Economics and Finance, and Hidden Markov Models in Finance, and he has also presented numerous conference papers. Dr. Wilson has worked in different capacities for conferences organized by the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, the Eastern Finance Association, the Financial Management Association, the Midwest Finance Association, and the Northern Finance Association. He was also a recipient of the Best Paper Award (Finance), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2013, the Bank of Canada Prize for Best Empirical Study of Canadian Capital Markets, Northern Finance Association, 2004, and the Ministère de Finances Award (for Best Paper in the Area of Fixed Income), Northern Finance Association, 2003.